Thursday, May 5

Welcome To My Life..

Well I guess I should start my first post by telling you who I am and what this whole blog is going to be about.

Im a 25 (Wow, first time Ive written that- I just turned 25 and boy do I feel old!) year old in North Jersey with my fiance; Chuck. Chuck is a little older than me (going to be 33 the 18th!) however it feels like it was meant to be. We met online almost two years ago after me having a rough patch with men. (I'm sure you are all rolling your eyes OH YOU WERE YOUNG FOR THINKING THAT! hah)

And yes we were together a little less than a year before we discovered I was pregnant.. but that's another story. I was on the pill when I got pregnant- so he wasn't planned- but we welcomed it with open arms. Prior to getting pregnant, I worked for a doctor, however now I am staying home with baby C. (That's what I'll be calling him for short; his name is Colton)

Anyway, so Baby C is now a little over 6 weeks old... and boy am I learning & experiencing a lot of different things (already!) with him at only 6 weeks old. Some days are perfect and some days are rough.. but as I'm learning that is a part of motherhood. I decided to start a blog to moreso vent or get off my chest what I am feeling certain days & to brag about baby C other days in hopes that I can find some other ladies who can relate to me!

So here's to the new blog of a new mom... first up the story of welcoming Baby C into the world.

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