Friday, May 6

The Beginning Of It all...

Colton Emanuel was born March 16, 2011.

He was due March 22nd however, after a 38 week ultrasound the doctors put calculations into a computer who apparently discovered he may be too big to come out of my pelvis. Whether or not I believe this to be true is another story. I'm sure doctors push C sections now considering it is much more like a wham bam thank you mam' type if thing. Well whatever it was- it was a rather easy experience and I'm glad I did it.

We arrived at the hospital at 9:30 am for an 11:30 am c-section. They made me get changed into a gown, sit on the bed and pretty much wait. The only good thing about this is that I got to listen to his heartbeat the whole time and hear him continuously kick the monitors... it was rather entertaining. Well not entertaining enough because 11:30 came and went and still sitting there listening to hit kick the monitor.

Apparently there were a few other babies who decided it was time for them to be born so I had to wait. Finally around 1:30 pm my doctor came in and said it was showtime. Wow finally, it was crazy to believe after over 9 months today was the day. But it was. So I walked to the OR and they took Chuck to go get some scrubs on.

They put the spinal in.. (Why would they make me put my legs on the table and THEN lean over onto them?? Why not have my legs dangle and THEN have me bend? It was so hard to continue to lean over with breathing with a huge belly in front of me! Holy hell. But I did it and it was done. Shortly I began to feel my legs all tingly and that's what stayed the whole time.

Chuck arrived, in scrubs and all.

Five minutes later, which seemed like five hours- at 1:51 pm Colton had arrived. 8 lbs 2 oz 19 1/2 inches long. Screaming. He was born screaming and continued to scream his way into the nursery where daddy followed him. He looked so whittle regarless of how big they told me he would be!

That's Colton's story of how he came into the world. I cannot believe it's almost two months later already. Time really does fly. I wish I could go back again and enjoy those two months all over again. But everyday is something new that he learns and I love him to pieces.

Thursday, May 5

Welcome To My Life..

Well I guess I should start my first post by telling you who I am and what this whole blog is going to be about.

Im a 25 (Wow, first time Ive written that- I just turned 25 and boy do I feel old!) year old in North Jersey with my fiance; Chuck. Chuck is a little older than me (going to be 33 the 18th!) however it feels like it was meant to be. We met online almost two years ago after me having a rough patch with men. (I'm sure you are all rolling your eyes OH YOU WERE YOUNG FOR THINKING THAT! hah)

And yes we were together a little less than a year before we discovered I was pregnant.. but that's another story. I was on the pill when I got pregnant- so he wasn't planned- but we welcomed it with open arms. Prior to getting pregnant, I worked for a doctor, however now I am staying home with baby C. (That's what I'll be calling him for short; his name is Colton)

Anyway, so Baby C is now a little over 6 weeks old... and boy am I learning & experiencing a lot of different things (already!) with him at only 6 weeks old. Some days are perfect and some days are rough.. but as I'm learning that is a part of motherhood. I decided to start a blog to moreso vent or get off my chest what I am feeling certain days & to brag about baby C other days in hopes that I can find some other ladies who can relate to me!

So here's to the new blog of a new mom... first up the story of welcoming Baby C into the world.